In the world of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and DIY supplement enthusiasts, manual capsule filling machines are indispensable tools. These machines offer an affordable, efficient, and straightforward solution for filling capsules with various powders or granules. As we look into 2024, this article provides a comprehensive guide to manual capsule filling machine prices, highlighting popular models, their features, and what you should consider before making a purchase.

What is a Manual Capsule Filling Machine?

What is a Manual Capsule Filling Machine?

A manual capsule filling machine is a device designed to fill empty capsules with powders or granules. These machines are widely used in small-scale production environments such as pharmacies, laboratories, and by individual supplement makers. They offer a cost-effective way to produce capsules without the need for complex machinery or large investments.

Key Features of Manual Capsule Filling Machines

  1. Capacity: Machines come with different capacities, typically measured by the number of capsules they can fill at once.
  2. Capsule Size Compatibility: Machines are designed to work with specific capsule sizes, commonly ranging from size 000 to size 5.
  3. Ease of Use: Manual capsule fillers are designed for ease of operation, making them accessible even to beginners.
  4. Durability: Quality machines are made from durable materials like stainless steel or high-grade plastic to ensure longevity.

Popular Manual Capsule Filling Machines in 2024

Popular Manual Capsule Filling Machines in 2024

Two popular models in 2024 are the YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine and the YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine. Both are designed for size 00 capsules but cater to different production needs.

1. YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00

1. YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00

Price: $38.95


  • Capacity: Can fill 100 capsules at a time.
  • Material: Made from high-quality plastic, ensuring durability and ease of cleaning.
  • Size Compatibility: Specifically designed for size 00 capsules.
  • Ease of Use: Simple assembly and operation, ideal for small-scale production or personal use.
  • Dimensions: Compact design, making it easy to store and transport.

The YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine is perfect for those who need to produce a smaller quantity of capsules. Its affordable price makes it an excellent choice for individuals or small businesses just starting with capsule production.

2. YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00

2. YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00

Price: $149.99


  • Capacity: Can fill 400 capsules at a time.
  • Material: Constructed from robust materials for increased durability and longer lifespan.
  • Size Compatibility: Specifically designed for size 00 capsules.
  • Efficiency: Higher capacity makes it suitable for larger-scale production.
  • Ease of Use: Despite its larger capacity, it remains user-friendly with straightforward assembly and operation.

The YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine is ideal for larger operations where a higher volume of capsules is needed. Its higher price is justified by the increased efficiency and capacity, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to scale up their production.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Manual Capsule Filling Machine

1. Capacity Requirements

Determine the number of capsules you need to fill in a given time frame. If you're producing for personal use or small batches, a machine with a capacity of 100 capsules might suffice. For larger-scale production, consider machines with a higher capacity, like the YITI 400 Holes model.

2. Capsule Size Compatibility

Ensure the machine you choose is compatible with the capsule size you intend to use. While the YITI models mentioned are designed for size 00 capsules, machines are available for other sizes as well.

3. Material and Durability

Look for machines made from durable materials such as stainless steel or high-quality plastic. Durability is crucial, especially if the machine will be used frequently.

4. Ease of Use

Select a machine that is easy to assemble, use, and clean. User-friendly designs save time and reduce the learning curve, especially important for those new to capsule filling.

5. Price and Budget

Consider your budget and the price of the machine. While higher-capacity machines cost more, they offer better efficiency and productivity, which can justify the investment for larger operations.

Benefits of Using a Manual Capsule Filling Machine

1. Cost-Effective Production

Manual capsule filling machines are much cheaper than automatic machines, making them accessible to small businesses and individual users.

2. Customization

These machines allow for precise control over the ingredients and dosages, enabling the production of custom supplements or medications tailored to specific needs.

3. Small Batch Production

Ideal for producing small batches, manual machines are perfect for testing new formulations or producing limited runs of products.

4. Portability

Manual machines are typically lightweight and compact, making them easy to move and store. This portability is particularly useful for home use or small laboratories.

How to Use a Manual Capsule Filling Machine

Using a manual capsule filling machine involves several steps, but with practice, it becomes a quick and efficient process.

  1. Preparation: Gather all necessary materials, including empty capsules, the powder or granules to be filled, and the machine itself.

  2. Assembly: Assemble the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically involves setting up the capsule holder and aligning the parts.

  3. Filling Capsules: Place the empty capsules into the machine’s slots. Spread the powder over the capsules using a spreader, ensuring an even fill.

  4. Sealing Capsules: Once filled, the top half of the capsules needs to be placed over the bottom halves and pressed together to seal them.

  5. Cleanup: Disassemble the machine and clean all parts thoroughly to ensure

sanitation and longevity of the machine.

Detailed Steps to Using a YITI Capsule Filling Machine

To provide a more specific guide, let's take a closer look at how to use the YITI 100 and 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machines.

Using the YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Preparation:

    • Ensure your workspace is clean and sanitized.
    • Prepare the powder or granules you will be filling into the capsules.
    • Have your size 00 empty capsules ready.
  2. Assemble the Machine:

    • Place the capsule base on a flat surface.
    • Insert the capsule bodies (the longer parts) into the base, ensuring they are all correctly seated.
  3. Filling Capsules:

    • Pour the powder onto the base.
    • Use the spreader to evenly distribute the powder across all the capsule bodies.
    • If needed, use a tamper tool to press the powder into the capsules for a tighter fill, then add more powder to fill any remaining space.
  4. Sealing Capsules:

    • Align the capsule tops (the shorter parts) in the top plate of the machine.
    • Carefully press the top plate down onto the base, ensuring the tops align and securely fit onto the bodies.
    • Once all capsules are sealed, remove them from the machine.
  5. Cleanup:

    • Disassemble the machine parts.
    • Clean all components thoroughly with warm water and mild detergent.
    • Dry the parts completely before reassembling or storing.

Using the YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Preparation:

    • Just like with the 100-hole machine, ensure your workspace is clean and all materials are prepared.
    • The YITI 400 model is larger, so ensure you have ample workspace.
  2. Assemble the Machine:

    • Place the capsule base on a stable surface.
    • Insert the empty capsule bodies into the holes of the base, ensuring they are seated correctly.
  3. Filling Capsules:

    • Pour a sufficient amount of powder onto the base.
    • Use the provided spreader to distribute the powder evenly.
    • Utilize a tamper tool if needed to ensure a compact fill.
    • Add more powder if necessary and repeat the spreading and tamping process.
  4. Sealing Capsules:

    • Place the capsule tops into the top plate.
    • Carefully align and press the top plate down onto the base, ensuring a secure fit for each capsule.
    • Gently press to ensure all capsules are fully sealed.
  5. Cleanup:

    • Disassemble all parts of the machine.
    • Wash with warm water and mild detergent.
    • Allow all parts to dry completely before storing or reassembling.

Cost Analysis of Manual Capsule Filling Machines in 2024

The cost of manual capsule filling machines can vary significantly based on capacity, material quality, and brand. Here, we analyze the cost-effectiveness of the YITI models mentioned.

YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00 - $38.95


  • Affordability: At $38.95, this model is highly affordable for individuals and small businesses.
  • Capacity: Ideal for small batches, making it perfect for personal use or testing new products.
  • Durability: Made from high-quality plastic, it offers good durability for its price.
  • Portability: Its compact size makes it easy to store and transport.

YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine Size 00 - $149.99


  • Higher Capacity: Priced at $149.99, this model justifies its cost with the ability to fill 400 capsules at once, significantly increasing productivity.
  • Efficiency: Suitable for larger-scale operations, saving time and labor costs.
  • Durability: Built with robust materials, ensuring a longer lifespan and consistent performance.
  • Value for Money: Though more expensive, its high capacity and efficiency make it a valuable investment for businesses aiming to scale up production.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

When choosing a manual capsule filling machine, consider your production needs, budget, and the specific features of the machine. Both the YITI 100 and 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machines offer excellent value, but they cater to different scales of production.

  • For Small-Scale Production or Personal Use: The YITI 100 Holes Capsule Filling Machine is an excellent choice. Its low price and adequate capacity make it perfect for individuals and small businesses.

  • For Larger-Scale Production: The YITI 400 Holes Capsule Filling Machine is ideal. Its higher capacity and robust build justify the higher price, providing greater efficiency and productivity.

Investing in a quality manual capsule filling machine can streamline your production process, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Whether you are a DIY supplement maker or a small business, understanding the features, benefits, and prices of these machines will help you make an informed decision in 2024.